Monday, October 11, 2010

The Great American Bake Sale, Yo!

Please forgive me, lately I've had the incredible urge to end as many sentances as possible with "yo". It's like that song, "She's Gone Country", but she's gone gangsta.

So, about this bake sale. If you're a food network junkie you may have seen Sandra Lee of Duff from Ace from Ace of Cakes talking about it on TV. It's a very simple concept, people bake, they sell their baked goods, and then they donate the money to a program called share our strength. Share our strength then uses that money to help fund after school and summer programs that feed children in America.

Did you know that childhood hunger is an issue in America? I didn't. But it really is. For some kids the meals they receive in school are all they get, which means they may go hungry on weekends, over the summer, or on holiday breaks. 

After seeing this on TV I decided to start a team in 29 Palms called Team Semper Tasty. I've had the team for less than 24 hours and we've already got 4 members including me. But we need more! I would like to host a Great American Bake Sale monthly which means I need more volunteers.

We need the following: Bakers, Sellers, Publicists (people who can get the word out) , Decorators, and much more!

You can even bring your kiddos! I know Haley will be helping out, holding signs or selling the baked goods, it's a great learning experience.

To join Team Semper Tasty visit and click "join team" sempertasty

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